North America Leaders Gathering

In Korea, many conferences and events are happening at this time that GPA has been able to attend, along with various organizations from around the world, including the USA. For the most part, our groups only crossed over in attending events together, but today we had time to meet as all the organizations in North America. 

The purpose of this meeting was for the leaders of each group could share what they gained from the events and what activities they had been participating in. Since there were a few different events we could not attend, it was great to hear about them afterward from those who helped to create them. An extra treat was that we could share our experiences with ice cream! After experiencing a lot of investment, sharing a sweet victory with a sweet treat was fun!

I had the opportunity to share GPA’s experience in Korea with them. I expressed how appreciative we were to participate in the events we could and how we hope to connect to Mother and Father Moon through being in their homeland. Even though it has only been a handful of days, all of GPA is already transforming from this experience, connecting deeper to God’s heart and understanding the roots of their faith. Our Director of GPA, Roland Platt, shared his gratitude towards the leaders who supported us in coming to Korea, especially our National Director Dr. Chung Sik Yong.

After sharing, our National Leader, Dr. Chong Sik Yong, shared how happy he was with everyone, especially GPA. He mentioned how he was determined and serious about getting GPA a private meeting with Mother Moon. The meeting concluded with a beautiful picture outside and cheers of gratitude and determination. 

Sarah Takhar

Korea Blogger, Generation Peace Academy


Meeting with Mother Moon


Happy True Parents’ Birthday and Cosmic Blessing day!